Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I stopped smoking five weeks ago, fell off but did manage to get back on. You see, at the end of my detox week, what do I go and do but go stright out, partying with friends, and get drunk and start smoking again. So I quit during the following week, but the weekend comes along at the end of the second week, and I have a few beers, a couple of smokes, a couple more, and a few more after that.

So I quit beer as well. It seems like a huge trigger to smoke, and in itself is not helping me that much anyway. I should be feeling fantastic, but a couple of weeks ago, whilst I was in California on business, I went down with the worlds most horrible cold. I'm just starting to get over it now, which is how come you get a post. On the positive side, this has totally prevented me from wanting either a beer or a smoke, and I dropped six pounds (down to 237), so who knows, maybe it was just what was needed.

My journey to better health continues.

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