Monday, April 7, 2008

Family news

My sister Eithne called me on April 3 when I was traveling on business to tell me she is having her third baby. You would have thought that she would have realized by now how that stuff happens and what not to do to avoid it.

My mum is going to France. I don't think these two incidents are related, but you never know.

Anyway I am happy for both of them. I even get the chance to go back to England in the middle of June to see how they are all getting along, to buy some more marmite and to go and see some work people there and attend a conference that my company is putting on (which means they will pay for my flight -- lucky me).

I look forwards to having proper bacon with my eggs. None of the half-assed American bacon (which the brits call streaky), and which is not nearly as good as English back bacon (which is approximately but not exactly equivalent to 'canadian cut' on th US market), which, oddly enough, is mostly produced in Denmark and imported to England. Go figure. It's better
though, much better.

Real bacon. Mmmm!

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