Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The idea of having a little spot where I can brain dump, say stupid stuff and bang on about anything I want, for all to see has always appealed. But for a couple of reasons I never created a blog. Firstly, I know that I might not keep up with it. A million sad, lonely blogs go unloved and uncared for every day. Secondly, that people may not care, and may not read it. I have decided that I might read it and my mum might read it. I have decided that even that is enough. If anybody else wants to stick their face in for a look, then whatever. Feel free. Hopefully my train of thought will contain little gems or items of amusement. But the real reason I have now got myself a blog is that when I am out and about, sometimes I have a moment free, spare and unused. Since I got one of those Blackberry things, I thought I would try and use those moments by wasting them on a stupid blog that I probably won't make four posts to, and nobody will read anyway.

For real.

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